Review BLP Peach Soda
Hi fellas!
Its really nice to see all of you today, I'm so excited to share review of this adorable liquid lip coat from BLP, new shade and totally luvvv <3
Jadi aku udah naksir banget sama lip coat semenjak lip coat ini launched di Sociolla, dan aku iseng-iseng ikutan kuis di birthday event Sociolla turns three dan tadaaaaa aku menang dan dapet lip coat
ini!! So Happy~~ Thank you Sociolla and Beauty Journal
BLP Peach Soda
In conjunction with Sociolla's 3rd Anniversary, BLP and Sociolla created exclusive shade "Peach Soda". Spring is in the air and #OnTheLips with vibrant peachy shade of Peach Soda. A universally flattering shade, it enlivens everyday look in an instant. We'd like to think of it like a glass of soda in the middle of a sunny day - sweet and refreshing!
BLP Peach Soda
Peach Soda is made from collaboration of Sociolla x BLP Beauty in celebration of Sociolla 3rd Anniversary.
Packaging nya so cute to be true! Packaging lip coat ini di desain sendiri oleh team Sociolla dengan warna peach dan gambar siluet peach. Gemes ga sih sama warna peach dan gambar peach nya <3
Pertama kali jujur takut warna nya terlalu orange but I was wrong lol. Shade nya sendiri sangat universal buat semua skintone, shade Peach Soda bernuansa pink dan orange tone beda banget sama shade Pumpkin Sorbet. Peach Soda is so playful shade! This shade brighten my medium skintone dan gigi pun jadi terlihat lebih putih hihihi
I can feel a slight scent of sweet but so far that's okay. Masih tolerable scent kok.
Kalian bisa beli lipcoat ini langsung di website nya Sociolla dengan harga Rp. 129.000.
Tanpa diragukan kualitas dari lipcoat BLP ini bagus banget!! tekstur nya creamy tanpa buat bibir kering sama sekali. Lipcoat nya pigmented, coverage nya juga oke banget, sekali ulas bibir warna nya udah bisa cover semua bibir bahkan dark spot di bibir pun langsung bisa tertutupi. Hasil akhir dari lipcoat ini matte to powdery. Sayangnya memang lip coat ini tidak transferproof. Point plus from this lipcoat it has refreshing peachy tone that can be use for anytime.
aplicator doe foot |
shade of peach soda (peach pink) |
comparison between peach soda and pumpkin sorbet |
Overall I really love this lip coat, we can use this as lipstick, blush on or even eye shadow.
+can be used as lipstick, blush on, and eyeshadow
+no dry at all
+pretty shade
+matte finish
-no transferproof